Depending on place and culture, what is considered to be the start and end of winter vary. Contemporary meteorology takes winter to be the months of December, January, and February in the Northern Hemisphere and June, July, and August in the Southern Hemisphere. However, many cultures in Europe and East Asia consider winter to begin in November.
Winbter has a beauty of its own.
In many parts of the world winter has arrived...
A Story in the Snow
by Pearl Riggs Crouch
This morning, as I walked to school
Across the fluffy snow,
I came upon a bunny's tracks --
A jumping, zigzag row.
He must have hurried very fast,
For here and there I saw
Along his jerky, winding trail
The print of Rover's paw.
I set my lunch pail on the snow
And stood there very still,
For only Rover's clumsy tracks
Led down the little hill.
Then suddenly I thought I heard
A rustling sound close by;
And there within a grassy clump
Shone bunny's twinkling eye.