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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!
Today the world looks different to me. Today…the world feels different to me. And yet it is the same world I faced and embraced yesterday. It’s the same world of hope and faith and promise that everyday brings to us all. Even in the worst of conditions there always remains this promise. The world is always full of surprise and unexpected turns. And that is a promise.

But today is different. I have a hard time seeing this promise. My country has traded this promise for illusion. And I am having a difficult time accepting that. The majority of “us” believe that homosexuals should not marry. That it’s a sin. A newly elected conservative senator from Oklahoma believes that homosexuals should not only be barred from marriage…but also should be barred from classroom. No homosexual teachers allowed. Half of us believe that bloodshed and violence is a …no the way to address and confront issues of peace. We have awarded and rewarded lies, deceit, misconduct and moral ambiguity. Today the world is different…because we will have more of the same.

This is hard for me to write. I wish to heal and be healed. I am divided because we as a people, as a country and a world are divided. There is no unity in a broken heart. Or perhaps there is? Perhaps the heart broken in a thousand different paths allows the footsteps of many to walk a healing path? In my practice of meditation there is the constant act of allowing and staying present to what is. Even in the face of the unpleasant…especially in the face of the difficult. And nothing is more difficult for me now.

So this is my practice. The healing of myself, the allowing of what is in a moment of suffering. Every breath brings me back to the promise of the promise. Inhaling…I breathe myself back to the peace that unites a broken heart. Exhaling…I see the promise that lies within us all. Breathing in…I let go of all that separates…breathing out…I am whole and connected to each of you.

Breath by breath I come closer to healing. And in this healing I offer peace to you, peace to those who are different and yet part of me, peace to myself who is different and yet part of you. Peace to us all. Within this present moment…may a brighter future be revealed.

I love you,
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Dear Eric,
Thank you for sharing your views.

Here is a little inspiration from Dr. Deepak Chopra's new book, "The Book of Secrets."

The best approach to mass evil is not to keep remembering it but to renounce it so completely in yourself that the past is purified through you...

Whatever is in the mind is like a city in the clouds.
The emergence of this world is no more than
thoughts coming into manifestation.
From the infinite consciousness we have created
each other in our imagination.
As long as there is "you" and an "I", there is no liberation.
Dear ones, we are all cosmic consciousdness
assuming individual form.


Love, Inda


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I may not be an American, but I am sad and I know exactly how you feel.

It is sad to notice this divison. It is sad to see that so many people still live their lives divided, not united. I feel that a majority of people still live out of fear than out of love and they voted accordingly. They are seeing in GWB a man who will fight against what they consider to be "evil" and what is against their values and way of life. And all those arguments come from division. It is so easy to point out evil in othersand believe we are superior somehow. And what is evil? I don't like the word "evil" but could it be an immense state of forgetfulness of who we truly are? If so, unity will be truly feel worldwide when people start to wake up and remember.

I feel that what would improve our world is an Evolution of Thinking. It appears to me that it is much easier to adopt ready-made beliefs than to really think for ourselves. For this may mean that change could happen depending on what has been discovered and many people are reluctant to undergo changes because they prefer to remain comfortably numb.

I believe that we should simply allow the sadness to be, without letting it become anger, and offer love.

On this...I am all holding you close to my heart.

Sylvie Ying
Amritsaya Putrah : We are sons of immortality...
Dear Eric, thank you for sharing your emotions, your heart, your wisdom in this moment of delusion. You have given voice to many hearts, not only of American citizens, but of people all around the world who were hoping in a change for the better to come with these elections.

So this is my practice. The healing of myself, the allowing of what is in a moment of suffering. Every breath brings me back to the promise of the promise. Inhaling…I breathe myself back to the peace that unites a broken heart. Exhaling…I see the promise that lies within us all. Breathing in…I let go of all that separates…breathing out…I am whole and connected to each of you.

Breath by breath I come closer to healing. And in this healing I offer peace to you, peace to those who are different and yet part of me, peace to myself who is different and yet part of you. Peace to us all. Within this present moment…may a brighter future be revealed.

Thank you for sharing your practice to heal. In breathing together we attune ourselves again to Divine Love and our awareness of being One is fully restored. We put all the pieces of our broken hearts together and present them to God's Love and Healing touch which makes us whole again, reinforcing our ability to pursue our goal of love, of unity, of peace and justice to reign in this beautiful world of ours.
Reaching out to you and all with a big hug.
Our dream will come true, may this vision never blur.
Step by step the healing process will take place and one by one people will transform and become lightworkers in the interest of every single being who calls this Earth his home.
Loving you,
Margherita 2Hearts


Hello Eric,

I am sorry that you are so unhappy and unable to meditate properly. With time I hope that you will feel better.

I am sorry to see that there are already sides forming. No matter how disappointing, sometimes we need to give the winner a second chance, a fresh start. It is time to call a truce in the squabble of the unfortunate "sides". We all would have liked to see a different outcome, but as it is, we should stop fuming and deal with it with some grace, and some peace of mind.

I don't mean to sound unkind, but I do wish for you to feel better , because we need you to be able to continue your poetry with some comfort and in a relaxed and happy state of mind.


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