Dot-Coming to you Live!
http://Givnology.com/301/tines.mov (3MB)
Well, it is now back to business, 2004 style, I wanted to share some good vibes with you dear friends for your work week.
These are some experiments in music composition and Freeboards Performing. There are 2 foot pedals I am using too. Notice how much I perform all at the same time! (Just sending healing love to all! Simple!) Any producers with healthy record deal budgets out there?
May I continue to be able to share my music appropriately. May you enjoy this "edutainment."
May we joyfully share our gifts making this heaven at once.
May healthy joyful progress be the reputation of this sacred year 2004.
May we find what we seek. Amen. And so it is!
http://Givnology.com/301/composin.mov 1,431,740
http://Givnology.com/301/freeboards.mp4 435,022
http://Givnology.com/301/freebrds.gif 160,694
http://Givnology.com/301/goodmo.mov 2,567,386
http://Givnology.com/301/GoodMorn.mov 26,500,000
http://Givnology.com/301/madeout.jpg 50,176
http://Givnology.com/301/madeout.mov 7,411,397
http://Givnology.com/301/madeout.pct 96,138
http://Givnology.com/301/madeouts.mov 3,155,361
http://Givnology.com/301/morning.jpg 11,270
http://Givnology.com/301/morning.mov 2,008,979
http://Givnology.com/301/morning.pct 233,406
http://Givnology.com/301/releases.mov 1,747,410
http://Givnology.com/301/tines.mov 2,758,283
http://Givnology.com/301/tooslow.jpg 50,366
http://Givnology.com/301/tooslow.mov 86,508
http://Givnology.com/301/tooslow.pct 102,326
http://Givnology.com/301/tooslows.mov 3,300,678
http://Givnology.com/301/tooslowt.jpg 5,617
http://Givnology.com/301/x.pct 29,906
http://Givnology.com/301/wemadeit.mov 27,000,000
Love and lightbeams, Teo

Teo's presents: Givnology forums, tradigital music, Third Millennium Thinking, new media
When we appreciate our diversity we have abundance