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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!
Hi, All...

Well, I've finally gotten caught up! Whew!

And, I thought you would like to know that Eric was one of the highlights of our Magical Nights celebration. He read poems from his new book "This Is How Its Done" while musician Doug Halper played the hammered dulcimer softly in the background. One comment that was made after the reading was, "I knew his writing was spiritual...but, to hear him actually read his work leaves no doubt that he is directly connected to a higher power." Other words and phrases like "awesome" and "the best part of the celebration" were heard for the rest of the evening.

So, thank you, dear One...for making our celebration truly special.

I sincerely hope that everyone here has a warm and wonderful holiday season.

Love and Light...jc

This much I know as Truth...we are all Beings of Light.
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Dear jaicie, I am happy to hear this wonderfully positive report of the Magical nights. I do not doubt that Eric’s charisma always reaches deeply into the hearts.
And he will reach more and more hearts all over the world ….. parola di Margherita!
My heartfelt congratulations!
Love, Margherita
Well, Lilie...

funny you should ask. I've been asked to cut a meditation cd and I've been looking into it. Doug Halper, the musician that played background for Eric, has consented to do background music for that. Eric and Doug really hit it off and I've invited Eric back down during the recording of the meditation cd to read some poetry. might take a few months...but, it's in the works! We'll let everyone know when it's available!

Love and Light...jc

This much I know as Truth...we are all Beings of Light.

[This message was edited by jaicie114 on Friday December 19th, 2003 at 07:08 AM.]
Last edited {1}
Hey, Teo...

Are you "holding out" on us? What's this about soulful music? Hmmmm...I think I just might have to insist that you be part of this project as well! Might as well include all of the "gang"! Besides, I'm sure you're just dying to come to central Florida and experience all this humidity and stuff! LOL

We need to "do" lunch and discuss it! Smile

Love and Light...jc

This much I know as Truth...we are all Beings of Light.

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