(WebMD) -- Who would have thought that of all the brightly colored exotic offerings in the produce aisle -- from curvy, golden-yellow peppers to inky purple eggplants -- homely broccoli would become the superstar?
It's true: In the category of most healthful vegetable, this cruciferous contender wins all the top honors.
This past February, when the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a paper that listed foods most likely to prevent colon cancer, what stood out? Broccoli. Scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston published an article in the same journal last October and noted that broccoli, along with spinach, helped to minimize risk for cataracts.
When another team of Harvard scientists looked at how diet might protect against stroke, broccoli's benefits again came to the fore, in research published in the October 6, 1999 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.