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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

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My week is not starting out blessed. Hank, my son,has gotten into trouble with the police. I have been patient with him, as he has not been honest or acting like a 20 year old lately. I think it's time for tough love, but is so difficult. May I ask that you please say a prayer again for Hank, to be directed on the right path. He has developed much hostility towards me lately, which makes me so sad and brings tears to my eyes. His heart is good, but he is having inner struggles.
Thank you and may you all have a blessed week.
I do love you all,


Dear Sandy,
Praying for Hank's wellbeing emotionally and physically.
May he stay out of trouble.

He has had such a difficult time with his health problems that it is only natural he wants to rebel.

Praying that he will calm down and show you how much he really loves you.

Have a blessed day and a blessed week.

Love, Inda 2Hearts 2Hearts
Hank has moved out. My heart is broken. It was not done on good terms. He has no money, except from paycheck to paycheck. Died his gorgeous blond hair black and has such a nasty attitude towards me. Please pray that Our Heavenly Father sends a multitude of angels of angels to guide him,
I am so distraught do not think I will be on much but wanted to send my love and wish everyone a blessed week.
God Bless you all,
Love you,


Last edited by Sandy
Oh, dearest Sandy, my heart sister, I've only now discovered this post and I hurt with you for what is happening with dear Hank. I see he is going through a difficult moment, it's as if he is having it "in delay", after going through his illness during the time this rebellious behaviour normally takes place.
I am so sorry! Please know I keep you and Hank in my prayers. May he be touched by the Angels to find his way back into harmony. He will, dear Sandy!
You are such a wonderful Mother, it's no one's fault, it's just a lesson Hank has to learn. My heart links with yours in this moment and I send love and healing energy.
May this week be blessed and restore peace and harmony.
You know you are not alone, Jesus is with you and will give you the strength and patience to go through this.
I love you and hold you in my heart.
Blessed week to all!
2Hearts 2Hearts
Just bringing this up again to wish everyone a wonderful blessed week!
and just an FYI, Hank is home, and I believe we both learned valuable lessons! I just can't let go! But am learning to see him as an adult, trying to find his way. He is very much like me, headstrong, feisty and loyal to what he believes in his heart! I guess I tried to save him some pain, knowing this, but he needs to learn it himself.
I love you all!
As summer is coming to an end, I am hoping to find more time to get online. Until I can, know you are all in my heart and prayers.


And again we are at the beginning of a new week .... I reach out to hug all of you and wishing you all a blessed week. I still have the joy of Simon's presence here together with Mommy and Daddy and of course I am busy .... Such sweetness!

Dear Sandy, you and Hank are in my prayers always. May this week bring you moments of total harmony and wellbeing.

Love and hugs.
Margherita Smile Smile Smile

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