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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!


Hi and welcome BrionyDaves!

How to eliminate huge block paragraphs and becoming machines too! he he..

Originally posted by dear brionydaves096:
In many ways our minds are very similar to computers..

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Zen’s book “Fundamentals of Reality Management” is on


Processing Emotional States

The next important part of the Start stage is processing emotional states. You need to process a list of emotions and emotional states with the "Execute it", based on the "AGFLAP-CAP". All the emotions in Lester Levinson's "AGFLAP-CAP" are divided into nine groups: six are "negative" and three are "positive".

The negative emotions are:

Apathy Grief
The positive emotions are:

You may be very surprised after processing emotional states by how emotionally neutral you feel. You do not feel negative or positive emotions, only a very balanced, "zero" state. To process an emotion, you need to take the first emotion from the list starting at the top, pronounce it, and (trying to simultaneously feel this state), recite "Execute it", repeating until you smile (or up to ten times), then move on to another emotion. For example, Hopelessness - Execute it and repeat until you smile or have said it ten times.


Hopelessness – Execute it
Hopelessness – Execute it
Hopelessness – Execute it
Hopelessness – Execute it
You must repeat it ten times or until you smile, then take another emotion – Awareness - and repeat the procedure again.


Moving from top to bottom, you do not need to repeat the emotions processed earlier.
You can delete the emotion from the list after processing it.
Please be careful with the number of emotions you process.
It is not recommended to process more than 10-15 emotions per day.
After your mind and body have adapted to this amount of work, it is possible to increase the number of emotions.
Listen to your body and when it says it has had enough, then stop for today.
Read the full AGFLAP-CAP list here

Processing of the Most Painful Problem

The most painful episodes are processed manually, because this is most important part of your work. This re-experiencing is a very important part of the work, in order to release the energy that is hidden in the past. Usually the re-experiencing takes several years, but thanks to Master's Solutions we can do it much faster. The same problem will be processed automatically later on, during the “Awake me” stage, but you need to start with the basic episodes and work with the most important persons for you.

We begin to re-experience by compiling a list of episodes, thoroughly remembering and writing down these past episodes, when we interacted with other people.

Take a sheet of paper and pen and start to write. It is not important if you cannot remember every episode and detail - that will come later. The most painful episodes could be blocked or hidden in the huge iceberg of your SCM.
Write down only the facts of the episode. There is no need to compose a poem about your torment. For example – “argued with John at my birthday party”, “money was stolen from my wallet”, “missed the flight to Hawaii”, and so on.
Do not worry about the details of the episode - the SCM remembers them all - every breath, every movement, every touch.
It is better to group episodes around a person - it will be easier to process not only the episode, but also the person later on.
Focus on the most highly charged and embedded episodes, primarily those connected to your parents and loved ones. It is not difficult to recognize a charged episode - those are the ones that cause you discomfort when you touch them.
You do not need to remember the whole episode and relive it. Just mark it.
Do not lie to yourself by saying you do not have charged episodes - that means that they are hidden very deep in the ice of your SCM.
Compiling a list of episodes and processing them will bring considerable relief and you will have more energy and enthusiasm to work further. Eventually, you will realize you have no more heavily charged material. That means the work is over and all other material will be processed automatically. However, it is possible that you will begin to remember some very painful, basic episodes, usually associated with childhood, within 2-3 months - it means you need to do more manual processing. Manual processing is carried out using three main basic processors - "Clap", "Hoppo" and "Execute It".

The processor's main task is to quickly eliminate the episode's emotional charge. The charge consists of pictures, emotions, feelings, senses, and thoughts.

Alternatively, you can order appropriate Master’s Solution in Catalogue, insert your material and process it automatically.

"Hoppo" is an automatic method of forgiveness based on the Hawaiian technique "Ho'oponopono", and is used to forgive everyone who played a part in an episode. Both "Clap" and "Hoppo" are used in all Master's solutions, including the super-processor "Execute it".

Are YOU a machine? Are we becoming machines? Computers? I noticed in Tony Robbins' new book he has you program yourself like a machine. I don't know, maybe this is the new reality?

I liked philosophy, Buddhism, the compassionate parts of Christianity and other religions.. I even like the new show "Father Brown!" he he..

But even if you are a machine, or helping us to be machine-like but still compassionate, soulful and sensitive to how people and things feel, this is great! Thanks for the wonderful contribution to Givnology's wisdom! Looking forward to more from you buddy, or software he he

Love and *LIGHT* *BEING*,

Have the heart of a gypsy, and the dedication of a soldier -Beethoven in Beethoven Lives Upstairs

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