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Givnology Wellness Arts
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Healthy Food

Spinach is one of the healthiest foods for you. I found this article on Google:

Ella Kennen
BellaOnline's Healthy Foods Editor


Popeye wasn't crazy: fresh spinach contains 20% of your recommended daily allowance (RDA) of iron (however, canned and frozen spinach have much less). There are many other reasons to eat this low-calorie food: spinach is a naturally fat and cholesterol-free food that is brimming with antioxidants like beta-carotene, lutein, lipoic acid, and Vitamin C. Spinach also has calcium, folic acid, Vitamin K, magnesium, and manganese.

Depending on whether you buy it fresh, frozen, or canned, one serving (1/3 cup to 1 1 /2 cups) of spinach has:

20-40 calories

2-3 grams of protein

2-5 grams of dietary fiber

60-120% RDA of Vitamin A

10-30% RDA of Vitamin C

Tips for Buying and Using Spinach

Spinach has one of the highest concentrations of pesticides of any vegetable. Even if you don't normally eat organic foods, you should consider doing so in this case.

When picking fresh spinach, make sure it is crisp (not wilted) and sweet-smelling (not sour or musty).

Always wash fresh spinach before using it to get rid of grit (dirt and stones) and to wash off some of the pesticides, if applicable.

Sneak spinach into your diet by adding it to salads, soups, pasta, pizza, rice or serving it as a side meal.

Want to help your body absorb antioxidants? Then cook your spinach, instead of eating it raw.


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