From: are amazing animals! Check out these cool facts:

Fish never close their eyes.

Some fish hide their babies in their mouths. At the first sign of danger, they’ll open their mouths and let their babies swim inside!

Remoras, or "suckerfish," hitch rides with sharks and other large sea animals by attaching the sucking disk on top of their heads to the shark's underside.

Fish use their mouths for many things that people do with their hands: collecting food, building homes, and taking care of their babies.

Some father fish carry the eggs that contain their babies in their mouths until they hatch!

If a porcupinefish is confronted by danger, he or she will gulp water and inflate up to 2 feet, and sharp needles will pop out to frighten off predators.

California halibuts are camouflaged to match the color of the sand on the bottom of the ocean. When they’re young, the halibuts have one eye on each side of their head, but as they grow older, one of the eyes moves toward the other, until both eyes are on the same side!

Spotted boxfish release a poisonous mucus when they are captured by other fish, causing predators to spit them out because of the bad taste!

Swordfish can swim more than 40 miles an hour.

Fish have taste buds on their lips, tongues, and all over their mouths. Some fish have whiskers that can taste, too. Some fish can taste their food before it even reaches their mouths!

Fish who want to be cleaned swim to cleaning stations, where they wait in line for special "cleaner fish" to do their job. The small cleaner fish remove and eat parasites and other material from the larger fish’s skin. The larger fish will also let the cleaner fish swim into their mouths and eat food particles stuck in their teeth.
Hey Sue, Vicky and Inda, dentists wouldn't like it if people had "cleaner people" go in their mouths and eat food particles that are stuck in there eh? But maybe that's what you dental people are? he he..