Yoga For Cats
Goddess (and sometimes Devil) we have been since the dawn of time.
In the valley of the Nile, as Bast, we foretold the future and decided the fate of nations. In caskets of gold, in tombs of old, our linen-shrouded bodies awaited the gods.
In China, as Li Chou, we guarded the fertility of the land and people, presiding over the orgies of the harvest festivals.
In Rome, as Diana the Huntress, we inspired our people to conquest.
As Hecate, Queen of Night, as Satan's messenger, as Salem's familiar, friend of witches, partner in spells, we suffered, burned, screamed and died.
Yet we survive, I and my race. And again we will rise as goddesses, to save mankind from its own iniquity.
But first, we must be strong. We must rebuild our flexibility, our fitness, our inner strength, depleted by generations of apartment dwelling, canned cat food and flea collars with rhinestones and bells.
To the ancient disciplines of Yoga we must apply ourselves, readying our bodies and preparing our minds to regain our rightful roles as guardians of serenity and purveyors of peace.
Arise, fellow cats. The moment has arrived. Follow me through the time-honored exercises of mind and matter so richly set forth herein.
Reach outward. Look inward. Meditate....and wait!
Talia Katasanda, Guru
Felis Domestica.
Ashram Felinity, 2003.

ISBN: 0-920403-14-X
Reproduced without permission, but hopefully "fair use" applies since this is only for education (of kitties)!
I, musician cool cat that I am

Love and lightness, Teo